It’s Not Just a Song by The Clash

Should I stay, or should I go?

That is the question of the month. I’m, of course, speaking of the “principalship debacle of 2018” and me not getting the job. In the week since the announcement (and the 2 weeks since I knew I wasn’t getting it) the question most asked by teachers in my building, “You’re staying next year, right?????”  And I’m all…


(Ahhh, “Good Luck, Charlie”, I miss ya.)

So far, that’s my plan, but I’m keeping it quiet that I did apply to another building and I actually have an interview next week. I’m lucky, and I appreciate that I’m in a really great spot–I have a job, unlike another person that I work with who doesn’t.

While my first inclination after this all shook down was this:


I was hurt. Angry. Wanted to make people suffer.

I’ve calmed down, so I’m not wanting to leave out of spite, but for my own personal-growth reasons–being able to learn under a different leadership style, experiencing a different community and set of stakeholders, being at a school with a different focus…all of these things will help me be a better school leader of my own school someday.

But. The BIG BUT.

I do love the people I work with, and I love the kids, the families, the comfort of it. I think the new person and I will really get along well, and she could use my support next year because I KNOW THE SCHOOL.

Decision time might be upon me soon, and I’m really not sure what way to go. How do I leave a place that I adore, into the unknown? How do I stay in a place that isn’t mine?

Questions for the ages, I guess.

What Doesn’t Kill You…

…may make you stronger, but it still sucks balls.

I didn’t get the job.

What job?

Principal of my school. I’ve only been there 2 years, but I was being “groomed” for the position, but due to a variety of reasons, some I believe, some I think are BS, I didn’t get it.

How does it feel? It fucking sucks.

I feel betrayed. Sad. Angry. Like a loser.

But you know what? I know I’m good at my job. I know that there are people in my building that love me. And I know that I’m going to make one hell of a school principal one day–if that’s the direction I end up going in the end. So for now, I think about where I’m going. Do I stay? Under a principal that I didn’t get to choose, working in a building that I co-ran for the past two years, seeing the hard work that I put in maybe disappear? Maybe not.

So for now, I polish my resume, get updated letters, and reach out to my contacts. This is just the universe’s way of telling me that this wasn’t the right time.


xo, peach out bitches

What the Hell is Agul Siento??

And why is there a picture of the Tardis on the header?

Welcome to Agul Siento…translated as “Blue Heaven” and was a place of import in Stephen King’s Dark Tower opus.  I am creating this space as a place to brainstorm, rant, be inspired, and hopefully inspire..this will be a place for ideas, recipes, pictures, stories, reviews…and whatever the frell else I can do with this thing.

I was trying to find the quintessential “ME” when I was attempting to create a clever and memorable title and theme for this silly blog, and I discovered that really, I geek out on SO MANY THINGS, it was difficult to pick just one.  So, I settled on the fandom that I have loved the longest, SK’s crazy-ass story of Roland, Jake, Oy, the beams, the Tower, and Ka would be the inspiration for the title of this, but not the only influence on my ramblings.

I am a teacher-turned-district lackey living in the ‘burbs south of Denver, Colorado. I have 2 human children, 2 furbabies, a fabulous husband, a revolving door of fish, and a serious addiction to my computer. I love to cook, but not clean, and I can’t remain true to a recipe to save my life.  I’m a horrible decorator, and my house usually has a layer of clutter all over it–but the house is comfy and it’s home.  I’m not much of a baker, but I’m on a quest to perfect yeast breads–which can be hard with the high altitude.

Chances are, if there’s a devout fandom attached, I’m part of it, at least peripherally: Doctor Who, anything by Joss Whedon (Firefly and Buffy are my ultimate faves,) most things Sci-Fi, Sherlock, and Star Wars (Episodes IV-VI, natch.)  I’m a voracious reader, I love music (chick rockers are my goddesses!) and I TRY to stay healthy by lifting weights, practicing yoga, and doing various things for cardio.

But frankly, I don’t usually run…unless something is chasing me.

So, the whole “surviving until the Zombie Apocalype” tagline…it’s a thing.  I’m a busy girl, yet somehow I manage to cook mostly from scratch, look decent for a mom of two in her *cough40’scough*, and keep a full-time job that I love and that I think is important.  If I can do it, holy balls, people anyone can!!  Seriously.


I’m one of those “intelligent, classy, well-educated women, who says ‘fuck’ a lot,” so if cussing bothers you, I’m sure there’s some squeaky-clean blogs out there for you.

I’m an apathetic-atheist. I don’t mind people that believe in a higher-power and follow an organized religion, as long as they keep their beliefs out of my body, schools, politics, and house.

I’m not a very nice person. Well, I am, but I like to get snarky from time to time.  It will happen. I will do what I can to keep the identities of those I’m bitching about on the DL.

I’m a self-proclaimed grammar nerd.

The views expressed here are mine and mine alone, and do not in any way, shape, or form reflect those of my friends, family, spouse, and/or employer.  (Don’t fire me, please!!)