What Doesn’t Kill You…

…may make you stronger, but it still sucks balls.

I didn’t get the job.

What job?

Principal of my school. I’ve only been there 2 years, but I was being “groomed” for the position, but due to a variety of reasons, some I believe, some I think are BS, I didn’t get it.

How does it feel? It fucking sucks.

I feel betrayed. Sad. Angry. Like a loser.

But you know what? I know I’m good at my job. I know that there are people in my building that love me. And I know that I’m going to make one hell of a school principal one day–if that’s the direction I end up going in the end. So for now, I think about where I’m going. Do I stay? Under a principal that I didn’t get to choose, working in a building that I co-ran for the past two years, seeing the hard work that I put in maybe disappear? Maybe not.

So for now, I polish my resume, get updated letters, and reach out to my contacts. This is just the universe’s way of telling me that this wasn’t the right time.


xo, peach out bitches