Saturday Night Fever

Yeah, I went there.


In my defense, I was born in 1973, and my parents, by their own admission were disco kings and queens in their own right. When I was a kid, I spent HOURS lip-synching and  dancing to this soundtrack, the Andy Gibb album, pretty much anything by Donna Summer, and the Grease Soundtrack. (Yeah, my parents weren’t too concerned about what I was listening to, or reading, hence me reading Carrie when I was 9..which coincidentally also stars my favorite crazy-ass Scientologist, Johnny T. )

In my 20’s and early 30’s my Friday and Saturday nights were spent dancing my ass off at the club, getting sweaty and *almost* in a fight or two. (Tipsy me is a feisty me.) But nowadays, I’m usually hanging at the homestead, helping entertain the kidlets, spending time as a family. If we’re crazy, we might watch a movie, have a game night, or even (gasp) go out to dinner.

Tonight is no different…however, WE’RE KIDLESS. Does this mean we’re getting crunk and tearing up the town?


(un)Fortunately, due to the Babe’s job obligations (that’s the husband) he is absent tonight–he’s a high school Dean of Students and they have a thing for their Wish Week  so, I’m at home waiting for him to get home.

But, that means I get to get allllllll sorts of crazy by mah-self. You  know what that means???

MEAL PREP BITCHES!!!!! giphy (1).gif

(Oh, Obama, how I miss thee…)

One thing that Babe and I have started doing, is planning/prepping for 2 weeks at a time. This way, I’m only spending one day a week in the kitchen, (before you get your grrrl-power panties in a wad–I LIKE cooking) and we’re trying to cut down on the food waste we create. True story: recently I cleaned out our 2 (yes, 2) freezers and got rid of everything that was unlabeled, freezer-burned, or too small to do anything with it. We had a 96 gallon trashcan that was about 2/3 full of crap we threw away. I was disgusted. Ashamed. Sad. (Insert other self-loathing descriptions here.) As a concerted effort to stop that shit, we are trying to use everything we can–hence the 2 week prep/cook once eat twice.

So, true to the “surviving the zombie apocalypse” theme, here’s what I’m doing for the next 2.


What’s awesome, is that I didn’t spend a ton of time doing stuff–thank you Instant Pot  *! I was able to get the rice cooked, the veggies (for pretty much everything) chopped, potatoes done (for fries, yo–an easy way to do a twice cooked fry,) fajita steak sitting in spices, and I’m thawing everything else.

So, here’s how I’m making it work whilst I’m working full-time, lifting (I have a powerlifting meet in April, and I somewhat want to bring it,) making sure the family has food, clean clothes, a somewhat clean(ish) house, and we’re not crazy because we’re constantly doing stuff. Yes. We’re a lazy family. So what?

*Disclaimer: While the “Instant Pot” and subsequent products makes people believe that they cook stuff soooooooo much faster, sometimes, it actually takes longer, because of the time it takes to bring to pressure. You know what I adore? The fact that’s it’s totally hands-off. I have 2 of these babies (first world problems, I know,) but it allows me to get a ton of shit done in a very short time. So, suck it.

Moral of the story? Um. Plan twice, cook once. Kitchen gadgets can be uber helpful if you know how to use them. Disco is forever. I am a domestic goddess.

peace out bitches, xo


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